الاثنين، 18 أغسطس 2014

Are you interested in acting as an agent or intermediary?

Are you interested in acting as an agent or intermediary? Do you have a knack 
for business and are good in dealing with people? Then listed below are some 
ideas that might suit you:

Outsourcing Middle-Man:
Many companies look to hire people in order to help them expand their web 
presence, to create content for their blog, or help assist them with other tasks.
If you are good at managing people as well as marketing, you can act as an “agent” 
for some outsourcers. 
Identify people that can do certain work, and then advertise their services to other 
businesses. Mark up the price so that you can make a profit.

In order for you to become an outsourcing middle-man, here are some steps 
you can take:
  • Browse through freelancing sites, forums, and websites to find people that you can hire.
  • Create a website where you lay out the services your team can do, as well as prices and turnaround times.
  • Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods 

How much can I make out of being an outsourcing middle-man?
 A lot of how much you can make depends on the type of services you offer, 
how many clients you can handle simultaneously, and how well you can 
market your services. 

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